bloc // May 7, 2005

Survey and Review of New Media and Visual Art in Wales ⁄⁄

Date: May 2003

In 2002 Bloc commissioned two major pieces of research. These reports are:
A Survey of New Media & Visual Art in Wales, Dr Justin Marshall, January 2003
A Review of New Media Art in Wales, Eddie Berg, May 2003


Bloc commissioned this research because it needed, as an organisation, to identify what provisions were being made for the sector (new media and visual arts in Wales) and what the needs and demands were.

The Survey of new media and visual art in Wales researched facilities, surveyed individual artists, and organisations such as galleries, arts organisations, business initiators, broadcasters, independents, Higher Education Institutions, and other trainers in Wales. Its primary task was to assess whether there was a demand for a sector-specific venue or umbrella organisation.

The Review benchmarked against provision in Wales, organisations outside Wales and other countries, where there are numerous existing examples and models of practice. The Review identified that, unlike Scotland and England, where major organisations are funded by their relevant arts councils to deliver in the area of new media and the arts, Wales has no significant organisation currently acting as an agency for new media and the visual arts; there is no specialist officer within the Arts Council of Wales, and little priority made for new media through any of its current funding schemes.

Area: all wales

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